Our Purpose, Vision & Mission
Carers Link Lancashire’s Strategy and Operational Plan 2025 - 2028 captures the long term direction, future and goals of the organisation to ensure it is meeting the changing needs of its beneficiaries and is sustainable both in the immediate and long term.
This document defines the five new strategic objectives and priorities for
the organisation over the coming years, alongside outlining the courses of action and allocation of resources that will be deployed in ensuring that these strategic objectives are successfully achieved.
This document has been carefully developed by the Board of Trustees, CEO and the Senior Management Team and is realistic and achievable, taking into consideration the current financial climate of the statutory and third sector and maximising the support and services that are available to unpaid carers through our charity.
To view your copy of the Strategy & Operational Plan 2025-2028 click here.
Carers Link Lancashire’s purpose is to provide person centred and holistic
support and services to unpaid carers and indirectly the people they care for, across East Lancashire by provision of information, training and support and to raise public awareness in all aspects relating to carers and caring.
To be a values and outcomes driven organisation that enables:
Carers to feel valued as individuals and recognised for their contribution to society
Carers to lead happy, fulfilling lives with access to good quality person centred support and services
Carers to improve their overall physical and mental health and wellbeing
Carers to continue with their caring role preventing them from reaching crisis point
Our mission is to make a positive difference to the lives of carers and the people they care for by offering tailored support that is professional, respectful, non-judgemental and meets individual need.